CategoryPassive , Resistors (Parameter Search)
TypeAxial Leaded (Type Search)
Mfr P/N  RCF08T103J
TISS STK#331-8103-2200
Description Carbon Film Resistor, 1/6W, 10K Ohm, 5%, 52mm Tape, RoHS, Halogen Free, 12"Reel, Leaded Resistor
Free Stock Quantity 15,000 Avail. Stock
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Order Amount$0.00
TISS STK#331-8103-2200
P/N  RCF08T103J
Outline  T-12
Data Sheet  
Packing Method  T/R 12", Green
Full Pack Quantity  5,000
Pack Status  Full Reel
Free Stock Quantity15,000
    Qty     $USD/Each  
  5,000   $0.00757  
  10,000   $0.00717  
  15,000   $0.00681  
  20,000   $0.00649  
  25,000   $0.00619  
  30,000   $0.00608  
No. of Reels  

Free Stock Status
PreferLocatorYYMMRoHSPack StatusAvail. Qty
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Inventory located in Valencia CA, USA.
Same-day shipment is available on most orders received in our warehouse, Monday through Friday, prior to 4:00PM PST.
All components directly purchased from the original manufacturers.
Specialized in Hard-to-find and discontinued parts.